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Why Do Women decide to Get a Labiaplasty?

  • By Nirav Patel
  • 04 Sep, 2019

One of the hottest trends in plastic surgery these days is labiaplasty, a body contouring surgery to trim the vulva's inner lips. A labiaplasty is a surgical procedure done in order to reshape a woman's labia minora called “ inner lips" of the vulva. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the count of women seeking to change the look of their labia has been increasing rapidly since the organization began keeping track in 2015. As per the 2016 ASPS statistics report, there is a 39 percent increase in the number of labiaplasties performed that year.

With the help this magical body plastic surgery procedure, both cosmetic and health concerns in the vaginal area are solved by reshaping or resizing the vaginal lips. In addition to this, it helps in reducing discomfort from wearing tight clothing to discomfort during exercise or intercourse.

Do larger labia really cause any symptoms?

The vagina’s inner folds plays a vital role in protecting the vaginal opening (vestibules) which is made up of delicate mucosa tissue and filled with highly-sensitive nerve endings.

Some women have to go through painful sex due to the bigger size of their labia. Some suspect that their labia are the source of yeast infection and other irritation caused in the vagina. Are you also looking for any body contouring surgery? You can contact CI Plastic Surgery, one of the best plastic surgery center in Oak Brook having top plastic surgeons. They have the best solution for any problems regarding body contouring procedures.

As more and more women coming to know about labiaplasty, many questions arise in their mind. Things like "what you should expect?", "are you right candidate for labiaplasty?" and "how long is the recovery process?" are just a few questions that every woman wants to know. In this post, we will answer many of these questions which will help you in making your decision.

What to Expect From Surgery?

To perform a labiaplasty surgery, a surgeon simply cut out the excess tissue so that the lips of the labia minora sit tucked within the labia majora. It can be performed under local or general anesthesia and recovery process is swift and uncomplicated. Pain medication is prescribed to the patient. The ASPS recommends patients to take a week off from tiring work to relax and recover fast from labiaplasty surgery. During this time, a woman should wear loose, comfortable pants, and a mini-pad which will help in absorbing minor bleeding.

Is labiaplasty right for you?

Even if a woman is in excellent physical health and doesn’t have a smoking habit, it’s not obvious that she is eligible for labiaplasty surgery. As with any plastic surgery procedure, being in good health is very important, as is not smoking as it can interfere with recovery. Then, what makes a good candidate for labiaplasty? If the shape and the size of your labia affect your self-confidence and interfere in your daily activities, you are definitely an ideal candidate for labiaplasty surgery.

How should you prepare for labiaplasty?

Once you get the green signal from your labiaplasty surgeon for a good candidate, you need to start planning for this procedure and recovery. You need to plan on taking at least one week off from daily work routine. In the time leading up to the procedure, ensure that you are eating healthy food, drinking a proper amount of water and required sleep. Doing these things before labiaplasty surgery definitely supports a quicker recovery.

The first few days after the labiaplasty surgery, take rest, talk with your family and friends. Stock up on groceries, prescriptions and other things that you may need during the recovery process before the procedure.

Labiaplasty surgery is an outpatient procedure, so you should be capable of going home on the same day. How long this procedure takes will totally depend on the patient’s specific treatment plan.

There are two main forms of labiaplasty surgery. A labia majora reduction trims the size or shape of the outer lips of the vagina. A labia minora reduction procedure reduces the size or shape of the inner lips.

These reductions are performed by labiaplasty surgeons using the trim technique or the wedge technique. While performing the trim technique, the plastic surgeons remove excess skin around the outer edge of the labia. Whereas in the wedge technique, the surgeon cut out a v-shaped "wedge" out of the labia and then stitch the edges together.

Some of the nonsurgical vaginal tightening treatment is a clitoral hood reduction, mons pubis liposuction, and Viveve. You may choose to have these procedures done during labiaplasty procedure.

A new type of labiaplasty procedure, called Trim-V, incorporates a labia minora reduction with a clitoral hood reduction that creates a more seamless result.

After this body contouring procedure, top plastic surgeons prescribe medications that help in reducing the pain and discomfort. The patient should get post-surgical instructions regarding incision care for fast recovery.

Recovery time varies from person to person, but in most cases, women are able to get into their normal lifestyle within 1 to 2 weeks. But a woman has to refrain from sexual intercourse for about 6 weeks after your procedure.

CI plastic Surgery is body contouring clinic in Chicago which has different branches in several parts of the USA. It has top plastic surgeons with double board certification having a record of completing 100 percent successful surgeries. At our cosmetic surgery center, each type of body plastic surgery is performed. So, do pay a visit and get a successful plastic surgery on your body that too in a reasonable price.

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Risks and Benefits Assessment

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Liposuction is a widely sought-after cosmetic procedure that plays a pivotal role in refining body contours. By meticulously targeting stubborn fat deposits, liposuction helps individuals achieve a sculpted appearance, enhancing their natural contours and creating a defined silhouette.

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  Mechanism of Liposuction

 The mechanism of liposuction involves the removal of excess fat deposits from targeted areas through suction-assisted techniques. During the procedure, a small incision is made in the skin, allowing a cannula to be inserted to break up and suction out the fat cells, choosing the best plastic surgeons in Chicago gives best results. This process aims to sculpt and contour specific areas of the body that may be resistant to diet and exercise.

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Longevity of Double Chin Liposuction Results

You can expect the results of double chin liposuction, performed by skilled cosmetic surgeons in Chicago, to typically last for several years before potential minor changes become noticeable. Factors like skin elasticity and weight fluctuations can influence the longevity of these results, including those achieved through butt lift surgery in Chicago and liposuction surgery in Chicago. Your skin's ability to tighten and conform to your new contours plays a significant role in maintaining the sleek profile achieved through the procedure.

While weight fluctuations can affect the appearance of your chin area, proper maintenance can help prolong the effects of the liposuction, brazilian butt lift surgery in Chicago , and liposuction surgery in Chicago. By following post-operative care instructions from experienced cosmetic surgeons and leading a healthy lifestyle, you can enhance the longevity of your double chin liposuction results. Embrace the new, defined jawline you've achieved through the expertise of cosmetic surgeons in Chicago and take steps to ensure its lasting impact, including considerations related to butt lift surgery in Chicago and liposuction surgery in Chicago.

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